A 21-year-old US man, who went to sleep with his contact lenses on his eyes, woke up to find that he had Acanthamoeba Keratitis, an infection caused by a deadly parasite. Now, he wants to spread awareness among people about it. Mumbai ophthalmologists delve into the infection and why people wearing contact lenses need to take care
Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) is an infection of the cornea with acanthamoeba, a parasite which is present in air, soil, dust and water. Image for representational purpose only. istock
Michael Krumholz, a 21-year-old US man had a very troubling experience recently after he woke up from a nap. The man from Florida, who slept with contact lenses on his eyes, woke up after 40 minutes to find that he had difficulty in seeing through one eye. Diagnosed with Acanthamoeba Keratitis, a severe form of infection to the eye affecting the cornea, and thus resulting in loss of vision and pain in the eye, he is currently undergoing treatment and has already had two surgeries.