Bikram Saluja, who took a break from films to work on a coffee table book, wants to return to acting
Bikram Saluja, who took a break from films to work on a coffee table book, wants to return to acting
No matter how bold and sexy he might look on the ramp or on the silver screen, Bikram Saluja is one of those shy guys on the inside. And he has a huge heart. I met him when he arrived at the city to visit the NGO Habitat for Humanity.
So what's he busy with these days? He says, "I'm working on a coffee table book which is based on an actor's inspiration. I have adapted two films through the medium of photography for the book." He claims that something like this is being made for the first time in India.This is a very resource-intensive project for Bikram, who points out that he has taken time off from all other assignments for the last two years so that he could concentrate on this project. "It's almost like a film being directed and produced on paper," he observes, adding says that the book will be released in October.
What next?
He is really keen on getting back to acting. "It's exactly two years since my last film Just Married in 2007," he says.
u00a0Where will we be seeing the book? He says that this book will be only available in a few select outlets. "I'm doing it only because I am very passionate about the venture. I am hoping that I will at least recover the cost from the project as I have funded it myself."
u00a0So, what is he doing with an NGO? Is he into social work too? He clarifies, "I was visiting Bangalore for Sony Pix because they were screening Slumdog Millionaire on the channel and wanted a face for it in the city."
The channel was working with children from Habitat for Humanity. "I enjoyed my time with them. I was also inspired by how some people work in such a selfless manner for social and humantarian causes," he explains.
Soul space
How does Bikram unwind? "Over the last two years, the book has been work and play. My unwinding happens in terms of designing posters and layouts for the promotion. I go to the gym for an hour, but I spend much less time doing weights compared to earlier times."
u00a0He confesses that he goes for a run on the beach or plays tennis to relax. "I have lots of books and movies to watch, but I cannot watch them as my mind is completely cluttered right now," he rues.
u00a0"I'm in my 30s, but I already feel old when I see youngsters jamming up at nightclubs. And since I don't drink, I feel odd going to a pub and ordering a soft drink," he says.