If you are in a good place, you’re doing all the right things and should keep doing them until you meet someone you want to get into a relationship with
Illustration/Uday Mohite
A few weeks ago, an ex-boyfriend of mine reached out to say that he had ended our relationship for all the wrong reasons. He apologised, saying he had created issues out of nothing because he believed I had cheated on him. This hurt me a lot at the time because I loved him and thought we had a great future ahead. I heard him out and accepted his apology, but he also asked if I would consider meeting him for dinner in a few weeks. I am single at the moment and don’t know if he wants to speak about the possibility of us getting back together, but it took me a long time to get over him and I feel as if I am finally in a good place where revisiting my past will cause more harm. What should I do?
You seem to have a good grasp of what is and isn’t good for you, and sticking to that plan seems like the right thing to do. If there is nothing good that can come out of this meeting, and you believe there is no reason to allow this person back into your life, what will meeting him for dinner accomplish? It’s also important to consider why his lack of faith and trust prompted him to do what he did, and what the effect of his actions were. If you are in a good place, you’re doing all the right things and should keep doing them until you meet someone you want to get into a relationship with.
Should I tell my girlfriend about the things that bother me about her even if I know this will upset her? She is too touchy, but not saying anything is also bad because it puts me in a position of having to accept a lot that I am not comfortable with.
Does she feel the same way about you? This is between the two of you and what your individual boundaries are. Why not discuss your expectations first?
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