That depends upon what you are willing to give up and what your priorities are. A healthy relationship is one that evolves, which happens only when confrontation can lead to better understanding. Not everything should be brushed under a carpet
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I have been in a relationship with a guy for two months and he acts as if we have been together forever. This is nice at times, but also irritating because he doesn’t really know much about my life other than what I have told him. I want to take things slow and get him to understand my life and circle of friends in time, but he just behaves in a manner that suggests he knows what is best for me and my life. I don’t know if this is how he behaves in general and am wondering if it is a red flag of some kind. If he can’t give me space and slow down, I am sure this is not going to last. I don’t want to make any assumptions based on just two months, of course, but I am still wary. How do I deal with this situation?
You can do what you are already doing, which is go ahead with caution. Tell him his behaviour bothers you, and why, and give him time to understand what you’re saying. People don’t always understand each other, which is okay, but reiteration can help drive that message home. You’re right about not jumping to conclusions, because he deserves the benefit until you know him better. As for red flags, if it ever gets to a point where you believe he has crossed a line, you should call it out and decide if you want this to go any further. When it comes to toxic or problematic behaviour, there is no sense in dragging things out.
Is it okay for me to avoid confrontation with my boyfriend just so we have a more peaceful relationship?
That depends upon what you are willing to give up and what your priorities are. A healthy relationship is one that evolves, which happens only when confrontation can lead to better understanding. Not everything should be brushed under a carpet.
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