This is less about normality and more about coping mechanisms. It may work for him but, if it is upsetting, you should call it out
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I have a fear of animals that makes it impossible for me to have a pet. I have tried to control this for a long time but haven’t been able to. My boyfriend has two dogs and a cat, and I can never visit him at home because of how uncomfortable it makes me. He has always been aware of this but has been accommodating and visits me instead. A few days ago, we were talking about our future and he casually mentioned that if we were to get married, it would be impossible for him to not have his pets with him. I told him I understood, but that it wasn’t something I could do because I didn’t ask for this fear. We haven’t revisited the topic since that conversation, but it has been on my mind because I am starting to worry about my ability to be with him for much longer. I know he loves his pets and cannot ask him to give them up to accommodate my phobia. Should I end this relationship before things get more serious between us?
That is a discussion to be had with your boyfriend, after you both weigh the pros and cons and have an honest conversation about what either of you is prepared to give up. It won’t be easy because this affects both your lives in significant ways, but the sooner you admit to what can and cannot be done, the easier it will be for you to arrive at a decision on what the future looks like. You can always consider therapy to deal with your phobia but, ultimately, this is about how comfortable you are with the idea.
My boyfriend stops speaking to me for days after an argument, and says it is the only thing that works because he needs time to calm down. Is this normal behaviour?
This is less about normality and more about coping mechanisms. It may work for him but, if it is upsetting, you should call it out.
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