It’s your body and your opinion on it is the only one that matters. As for health issues, always trust the person with the medical degree over someone who doesn’t have one
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I recently found out that my husband has ordered diet pills for me to lose weight, without consulting me. I was very angry and insulted but, when I confronted him, he said it was for my health. He says he’s worried that I’m overweight and doesn’t want any issues to affect me but, if this were true, my doctor would have asked me to go on a diet and has said nothing to me. My husband is not a doctor, so he is just making these comments based on how I look which is what angers me. I don’t want this to create any problems between us, but I also want to make it clear to him that he can’t decide what I should look like. He may think it is his prerogative as my husband, but he has no right. What should I tell him?
You already know what to tell him because everything you have said is correct. Being concerned about someone’s health is great; making decisions for them based on what one thinks they should look like is not okay. It’s your body and your opinion on it is the only one that matters. As for health issues, always trust the person with the medical degree over someone who doesn’t have one.
My boyfriend and I are falling out of love, and I don’t know what to do. We used to be very close, but it feels as if we are just pretending these days. Neither of us can be bothered to try and fix this because it’s starting to feel as if it’s only a matter of time before this ends. Is there anything I can do to stop this from happening?
On the one hand, you point out that neither of you wants to do anything to stop this. On the other, you want to wilfully ignore the solution starting you in the face. Why not start by telling him how you feel and asking yourselves if you want this relationship to work?
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