If she isn’t single, there are emotional and legal issues that can derail the possibility of a relationship with her
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I am a 25-year-old woman and have been dating a guy two years older for a month or so. I think he likes me, but he doesn’t make this clear. We have gone out on three dates so far and he has asked me out again after each one, which I have taken as a sign of his interest. When we last met, I asked him directly if he felt as if we could be in a relationship. I told him I really liked him and would like to get to know him better. He said he was thinking about it and just needed more time because he was also seeing other people. Does this mean he is currently weighing his options and trying to go out with someone else? Am I some kind of back-up plan? I am confused and don’t know if I should agree to date him even if he asks me formally. Am I reading too much into this?
It sounds as if he is being honest about where things stand and is meeting you because he wants to figure out if a relationship is possible. You have made your intentions clear, which is great, but so has he, even if they don’t match your own. If you aren’t comfortable with him dating other people, you don’t have to go out with him until he wants to date you exclusively. If he isn’t okay with that idea, there is no future to discuss here. Either way, it makes sense to take some time, accept that he is not ready for a relationship yet, and think about whether you’re willing to wait until he is, or until he knows what he wants. Patience is always a good thing.
I think I am falling in love with a married woman, but she isn’t ready to leave her husband yet. Should I wait until she does?
If she isn’t single, there are emotional and legal issues that can derail the possibility of a relationship with her.
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