Television stars like Tejasswi Prakash were spotted on the set of 'Celebrity MasterChef,' which will feature other well-known celebrities such as Gaurav Khanna, Abhijeet Sawant, Nikki Tamboli, Dipika Kakar, Rajiv Adatia, and more. The show will see judges Ranveer Brar and Vikas Khanna evaluating the contestants' culinary skills, while Farah Khan takes on the role of host. With stars bringing their competitive spirit to the kitchen, fans are eagerly awaiting the show's exciting premiere.
30 December,2024 05:58 PM ISTAt the special screening of 'Ghudchadi' in Mumbai, stars like Raveena Tandon, Khushalii Kumar, Parth Samthaan, and Arjan Bajwa dazzled. 90s icon Raveena looked stunning in black, while Khushalii wowed in a denim co-ord. Parth Samthaan marks his Bollywood debut with the film. Suniel Shetty, his wife Mana, and son Ahan also attended, along with Avika Gor and power couple Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakkar. Watch the video for more.
06 August,2024 05:37 PM ISTOne of the cutest couples in Telly town, Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar, will soon be making their comeback on TV. Their vlogs will now be aired on TV, to reach out to more audiences. While interacting with media, the couple shared how it feels to be back on TV, how vlogs became an integral part of their life and much more.
20 April,2022 02:22 PM IST | MumbaiADVERTISEMENT