Argentina loves a good party and it seems this is never truer than on New Year's Eve
Fireworks at Casa Rosada
Argentina loves a good party and it seems this is never truer than on New Year's Eve! In Argentina, it is popularly called as 'Año Nuevo'.
In Argentina, it involves a late dinner, with close friends and family members in attendance. Bursting crackers is part of celebrations of New Year in Argentina. Usually, the entire family comes out of their houses to move to party places, and to be a part of the firework show. Fireworks usually go on until the dawn of the first day of the New Year, with people dancing, singing, eating, drinking, and celebrating the whole night.
Traditions and customs of Argentina
>> People in Buenos Aires, Argentina, are little more creative when it comes to seeing in the New Year. On the last day of the year, they shred old documents and papers to symbolise leaving the past behind. Around noon, people throw the scraps of paper from their windows all over the city in a shower of confetti.
>> All over the country, on New Year’s Eve, people eat dried fruits and nuts during the day. This makes a lot more sense further south, like in Patagonia or Tierra del Fuego, but summer in most of the country is fairly hot so this tradition of eating wintery foods is a bit amusing.
At midnight they step forward with their right foot so that everything goes right throughout the year! This is what you call being optimistic.
>> There is one more tradition of eating beans on New Year, which is done with a belief that doing so will ensure safety to the present job, or will open up gates for new and better job in the coming year.
>> The Argentinians believe that wearing pink underwear on the 31st of Dec attracts love during the whole year.
>> Pan dulce, an Italian sweet cylindrical cake that is often prepared with dried fruits, such as currants and raisins) and Spanish turrones are some of the dishes on New Year, which are also a part of customs and traditions in Argentina.Without sweetness life cant move on. Christmas carols are sung in English or German and some of them are with indigenous musical rhythms.
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