Ahead of 'World No Tobacco Day', MiD DAY tells you how to kick the butt.
Ahead of 'World No Tobacco Day', MiD DAY tells you how to kick the butt. Experts working in the field of anti-tobacco believe that therapies like Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) help deal with withdrawal symptoms, which one suffers when attempting to quit tobacco. When an individual tries to quit smoking one experiences withdrawal symptoms like irritability, insomnia, headaches, constipation, gas and stomach pain among other symptoms, but medicos as well as those who have been able to quit smoking agree that experiencing withdrawal symptoms is better.
"Once the ex-smoker overcomes the psychosocial need to smoke, nicotine dependence is eliminated by successively reducing the dose of nicotine replacement. Globally several forms of NRT have been marketed, including the nicotine patch, nicotine inhaler, nasal spray, gum, sublingual tablet, and lozenge. As a method of delivering nicotine into the bloodstream, NRT is far less dangerous as compared to tobacco smoking. It is a WHO recommended therapy that doubles the chances of quitting and has been successfully used by smokers around the globe," said Dr P C Gupta, Director of Healis-Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health Mumbai and visiting scientist for Harvard School of Public Health Boston.
While, Dr Pankaj Chaturvedi, Associate Professor, Head and Neck Department, Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, said, "Decide a date for quitting like a child's birthday andu00a0 announcing your decision to quit to everybody around you helps. It is better that one plan quitting with a colleague. A sense of competition may do the trick. Indulging in exercising, jogging, and swimming to keep you occupied. First 3-4 days are very difficult and if you are able to control your urge during that time, success is guaranteed. After 4 days, anxiety will improve, and stamina will come back and also concentration will be back to normal."
Injurious to health
Tobacco is responsible for cancer of various parts of the body ranging from the mouth, throat, lungs, stomach, and kidney to the bladder.u00a0 Tobacco smoking is also linked to various heart complications including heart attack, and other adverse health conditions like strokes and peripheral Vascular Disease (Gangrene of legs).
Passive smoking also poses many similar health risks just like active smoking.
MiD DAY Smoke Free Mumbai campaign in association with Vh1, and partnersu00a0-- Radio City, Bright Outdoor, OOH Media, Afaqs, Inox, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Manchester United Cafe Bar and Golds Gym