While cycling in the city during monsoon can be exciting, given the current plight of our roads, it can also take a dangerous turn quickly. Experts break down necessary precautions to take and roads to avoid
Firoza Dadan suggests avoiding uneven roads and (right) cycling in groups during the rains
Prioritise maintenance
Check and possibly replace crucial components such as brake pads, tyres, and chains, which are susceptible to wear and tear in wet conditions. Ensuring brakes are responsive and tyres have adequate tread is essential to prevent accidents on slippery roads. Keep your bikes clean and lubricated; this will prevent rust and damage caused by rain. Choosing the correct route is crucial during the monsoon. Cyclists who venture out early in the morning are encouraged to ride in groups. Avoid pothole-filled roads and low-lying areas prone to waterlogging. Also, avoid the flyover or riding closer to any sea front, when there is a heavy downpour aided by a heavy gust of wind and high tide. Maintain a firm grip on wet roads and avoid sudden turns or brakes.
My recco: I love to take routes through Madh Island, Sanjay Gandhi National Park and Aarey Colony. These are scenic and green in monsoon.
Firoza Dadan, first bicycle mayor of Mumbai, director of @thesmartcommute
Trick of the tyre
Ravi Agarwal picks Marine Drive as a popular location for cycling in the rains
Always opt for thicker tyres in monsoon. If getting tyres replaced is not possible for you, then purchase a liner to be installed between the tube and the tyre. This will ensure that they are not easily punctured. Remember, that the tyre pressure should be five point less in monsoon than the regular pressure. Avoid narrow lanes and roads that have cement grooves at all times.
My recco: Bandra Kurla Complex would usually be an ideal place for cycling, but like most of the city, it is entirely dug up. So, it is not recommended. Marine Drive has opened up a little, so you could go there. The best road to take currently in my opinion is the Service Road on the Eastern Express Highway.
Ravi Agarwal, founder of SoBo cyclists, @ravicyc
Safety first
Vijay Malhotra recommends wearing a helmet at all times (right) Instead of usual cycles, opt for MTB bikes with thicker tyres for better grip
Always check the forecast before you head out. Invest in a good raincoat, waterproof pants, and mudguards to keep yourself dry. Don’t forget a bright-coloured poncho or reflective gear, front and rear lights to increase visibility in low-light conditions. Ride cautiously and apply brakes gently to avoid skidding, and take corners slowly. Highways and routes which are undergoing Metro work must be avoided. Most suitable bikes during monsoons in Mumbai are the MTB bikes since they have thicker tyres that provide stability and grip on skidding roads. You must wear a helmet always.
My recco: My favourite destination for cycling is Sanjay Gandhi National Park. The flora and fauna are refreshing and stunning with ponds, lakes, and birds and deer sightings. It’s a must-visit during the monsoon.
Vijay Malhotra, cycling blogger, @pedalandtringtring
Stay visible and dry
Edward Pinheiro suggests wearing wind cheaters and overshoes (right) to help keep yourself dry and warm
Get all-weather tyres that have tread to give you a better grip on the road. Lube the chain with wet weather lube, so that it can disburse water from the chain faster. Wear a windcheater to keep your body temperatures from dropping. Install mudguards to avoid being splashed with mud, and to avoid spraying on others. Wear overshoes to cover your shoes while riding. Dry feet mean lesser trouble. Get reflective vests, use reflective stickers on helmets and bikes wherever possible. Install bright lumen lights to catch the attention of drivers and to make them aware of your presence. Use Vaseline on the exposed parts of the body to repel water down the skin without any bother.
My recco: Coastal roads parallel to Link Road behind Interface in Malad West, Lokhandwala back roads in Andheri West, Marine Drive and Aarey Colony.
Edward Pinheiro, cyclist, @adventur0useddie
Wear bright coloured ponchos for increased visibility
Go-to guide
Cycling accessories are available online and offline, based on the buyer’s budget, comfort and convenience. You can purchase accessories from Decathlon, bumsonthesaddle.com, cyclop.in, choosemybicycle.com, and cobbledclimbs.com
- Vijay Malhotra