Dear Diana, I'm 14 years old and live with my mother. My dad was having a clandestine affair with someone from his office for a while now
He has now left us and married this woman. It was nothing less than a mental trauma for mom and me. Though she’s strong, I often see her breaking down and there’s nothing I can do to help her. Even my studies are suffering because of all this. My friends are very supportive but they can’t replace my dad who used to be my hero. How can he do this to us? I wish I was all grown up and could do something different. I’m turning negative with every passing day. I hate him.
— SN
Illustration/ Satish Acharya
Dear SN,
Your anger and hatred towards your father is understandable. You were not aware of what your father was up to and now it has come as a shock to you and your mom. You are still young, so it’s not that you can take over the home, so the only way you can help your mother is by providing emotional support. Remember it is only you and her now. All this while you both were dependent on him and suddenly you find yourself at sea. But at the same time remember, time is the biggest healer. He is your dad after all! Hostility and negativity will only make things difficult for you. Instead decide to live and let live. I know how difficult this is going to be for you but you will have to. Every time you vent your anger at your father, it will make your mother break down. So be strong my little boy. Life is going to be certainly tough so you need to be really tough.u00a0