Seen on most fruit sellers' cart as a bright orange bulb, persimmon is a fruit that is eaten by quite a few people but may not always be the first choice for others. Mid-day Online asked Mumbai chefs how they make use of it in dishes, its popularity and what makes it unique
While at Tori chef Thomas Catley uses its sweetness for the Cashewnut Chicken, it is used in a mousse for a dessert called Berry Forest at Mainland China. Photo Courtesy: Tori/Mainland China
The winter season brings with it a variety of fresh produce of fruits and vegetables that make their way to vegetable carts throughout the three-four months. These include the popular leafy vegetables as well as apples, pomegranates and grapes, among others. While these instantly catch the eye of any person, an observation made by this writer sees one fruit not picked up as much as it should be. The fruit is persimmon, or ‘simran’ as it is popularly known among vegetable sellers in Mumbai. The medium-sized light orange fruit, which is available for a very short period in the market, is fleshy with a tough skin, and deliciously sweet. It is one that will easily surprise you once you move past its velvety exterior.