After launching her digital app ALT Balaji in Delhi, producer Ekta Kapoor along with actress Sakshi Tanwar, known for playing Parvati in 'Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii' met Smriti Irani, who essayed the role of Tulsi in 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi'
TV's favourite 'bahus' Tulsi and Parvati reunite in this epic selfie with Ekta Kapoor!
TV's favourite 'bahus' Tulsi and Parvati reunite in this epic selfie with Ekta Kapoor!
After launching her digital app ALT Balaji in Delhi, producer Ekta Kapoor along with actress Sakshi Tanwar, known for playing Parvati in 'Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii' met Smriti Irani, who essayed the role of Tulsi in 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi'.
Ekta Kapoor shared a selfie with 'Tulsi' and 'Parvati' on her Instagram account and the picture is sure to make you nostalgic!
While posting the snapshot, Ekta Kapoor wrote, "Two stalwarts ! D twains meet in delhi"
Ekta Kapoor, who has been a trendsetter in the Indian television space, is now out to offer disruptive home-grown content in the digital space via her new app ALTBalaji. She launched a slate of five shows in Delhi on Thursday.
Ekta was there with actors Nimrat Kaur, Rajkummar Rao, Ram Kapoor, Sakshi Tanwar and filmmakers Hansal Mehta and Nagesh Kukunoor, giving a dekko of the talent and variety that one must expect from the platform starting April 16.
Coming up on the slate is; 'Karrle Tu Bhi Mohabbat' -- a breezy and feel-good story of an actor and his doctor, 'Boygiri - Men will be Men' -- a comedy drama about youngsters and their fantasies, "The Test Case" about a woman army officer in a combat role and "Dev DD" on a rebellious girl's journey with love, passion, heartbreak, sex, self-destruction and redemption. There's also "Romil and Jugal", a gay love story and its trials and tribulations.
Analysing the content on offer, Ekta said: "Hopefully there's something for everyone. There's a big world between 'Narcos' and 'Naagin', and we hope to capture that."