Mallika, a popular Telugu television actress, took her last breath on Monday at 10.30 am. Reportedly, the 39-year-old actress was under coma at a private hospital in Bangalore for the past 20 days given her critical health condition
Popular Telugu actress Mallika passes away after battling coma
Mallika, a popular Telugu television actress, took her last breath on Monday at 10.30 am.
Mallika. Pic/YouTube
According to a report in Times of India, the 39-year-old actress was under coma at a private hospital in Bangalore for the past 20 days given her critical health condition.
She served as a columnist for several programs on various channels between the period of 1997 and 2004. She entered the film industry as a character actor and gained critical acclaims for her performances.
She featured in a movie starring Mahesh Babu titled 'Rajakumudarudu'. Reportedly, she was the first generation TV anchor. Mallika settled in Bangalore from Andhra Pradesh post her marriage and her real name was Abhinaya.