The upcoming psychological suspense thriller, Fredrick, directed by Rajesh Butalia, stars Prashant Narayanan and two debutants — Avinash Dhyani and Tulna Butalia
Avinash Dhyani, Tulna Butalia and Prashant Narayanan
The upcoming psychological suspense thriller, Fredrick, directed by Rajesh Butalia, stars Prashant Narayanan and two debutants — Avinash Dhyani and Tulna Butalia.
Avinash Dhyani, Tulna Butalia and Prashant Narayanan
The film releases on May 27 and revolves around a 16-year-old boy, Maanav, who is different from the others.
There is only one guy who understands him completely — Fredrick. But his father does not approve of their friendship and one fateful day he gets killed at the hands of his father.
In a fit of rage, Maanav kills his father and moves out to make on his strength a world of his own and on his own rules.