Three years on, Manoj Bajpayee's 'Saat Uchakkey' is finally seeing the light of day. The makers had to wage a battle with the Censor Board over to the abusive language in the film. All's well now and Manoj is a happy man
Manoj Bajpayee
Manoj Bajpayee
Three years on, Manoj Bajpayee's Saat Uchakkey is finally seeing the light of day. The makers had to wage a battle with the Censor Board over to the abusive language in the film. All's well now and Manoj is a happy man.
Whenever the actor spoke about his upcoming projects, he would never forget to mention 'Saat Uchakkey', a film that he holds dear to him.
At a recent event for the film, when the paparazzi goaded him to ride a bicycle, he willingly agreed.