Two other CSMSS divers Neha Paste and Swaraj Lad were also adjudged the best divers in the girls and boys Group-II categories respectively
Winners of the GMAAA meet
Keya Prabhu of CSMSS and Kabir Rao of Otters Club emerged the best divers in the Greater Mumbai Amateur Aquatics (Diving) Championships held at PM Hindu Bath recently. Keya and Kabir topped their respective groups by notching up 200.65 and 301.55 points respectively.
Two other CSMSS divers Neha Paste and Swaraj Lad were also adjudged the best divers in the girls and boys Group-II categories respectively. In Group-III, NishitaThakkur (PMHB) and Arjun Badhe (CSMSS) were the winners among girls and boys respectively while Group-IV was won by Anika Chaurasiya (MGMO) and Neev Vikrant (GSC).