Heena Sidhu is now ranked No 1 in the world in 10 m Air Pistol Women's category as per latest ISSF rankings released yesterday
Heena Sidhu
New Delhi: Heena Sidhu is now ranked No 1 in the world in 10 m Air Pistol Women's category as per latest ISSF rankings released yesterday.
Heena Sidhu
Sidhu shot a world record score to win gold in the final of World Cup last year. She then won the gold medal in the Asian Air gun championship this year and a silver medal in the ISSF Rifle/Pistol World Cup recently.
"I am really happy to be the World No 1. I have worked really hard all these years to make this happen. I must thank my husband Ronak who has been my strength and support and my coach Anatoly.
My aim is an Olympic medal and there are still many miles to go," said Heena in a statement released by Olympic Gold Quest.