A bawdy Danish dating site is offering an iPhone to the user who is the least endowed in terms of their manhood
In the competition that will run until Jan. 31, 2013, Singlesex.dk wants to reward men that nature did not.
Men can submit a photo of their small penises and women users will play judge.
The winner gets an iPhone 5 and the runner up makes off with an iPad 3.
This isn’t the first time Singlesex.dk has come up with an off-colour contest.
Previously the contestants could face off for “most handsome” penis.
The owner of Singlesex, Morten Fabricius, says he wants to boost the confidence of less-endowed men.
“It’s a competition which is at the core of manhood, the most important thing for a man. There are so many unhappy men out there, who think you have to have a giant penis, but it''s not normal to have a huge one,” the New York Daily news quoted him as saying.