City police are suspecting an insider's hand in the Rs 5.5 crore heist involving Muthoot Nidhi Finance company.
City police are suspecting an insider's hand in the Rs 5.5 crore heist involving Muthoot Nidhiu00a0Finance company.
Police say they have clues about the gang which had rented an adjacent building at Rs 15,000 per month on the pretext of having a software firm.
Police say they had kept close watch and had followed John's moments for over two months. The meticulous operation suggests they had inside help.
"We have zeroed in on a few people and are keeping tabs on them," said a police officer.
Though they initially suspected John, they have ruled that out after investigations.
What happened
Issac John (58), who was returning home on his bike with the key to the strong room, was abducted by a group of six.u00a0
Two men followed John and knocked him on the busy Thippasandra main road.
On the pretext of taking him to hospital, they bundled him into a Maruti Omni, took him to an isolated place on Hoskote Road, locked him in a room and beat him up before robbing his mobile phone, cash and other valuables.
They abandoned John after administering chloroform and escaped with the strong room key he was carrying.
Soon, the gang returned to the office in J B Nagar and using the key, made away with almost 15 kg of gold valuables and Rs 20,000 in cash.
According to the police, the strong room still has over 50 kg of gold left. The gang couldn't carry all of it.