Police detained Mumbai Congress chief Bhai Jagtap while protesting near Hanging garden in Malabar Hill. (Pic/Ashish Raje)
Meanwhile, Police also detained several Congress leaders outside the Vidhan Bhavan in Mumbai to prevent them from staging a protest opposite the Raj Bhavan as part of the party's nationwide stir against the Centre over price rise, the GST hike on essential items and unemployment, reported PTI. (Pic/Ashish Raje)
Wearing black clothes, Congress MPs, led by party chief Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi, staged a protest in the Parliament House complex as they marched towards the Rashtrapati Bhawan as part of their nationwide stir against price rise, the GST hike on essential items and unemployment, reported PTI.
The protesting MPs of the opposition party raised slogans against the government demanding that the GST hike on essential items be withdrawn, with Sonia Gandhi standing with the women MPs of the party, holding a banner, outside gate number 1 of Parliament. (Pic/PTI)
They were, however, stopped by the Delhi Police and not allowed to proceed towards the Rashtrapati Bhawan. Sonia Gandhi did not take part in the march. The other MPs were detained by police at Vijay Chowk. (Pic/PTI)