Cloth may have been dried on Western Express Highway, made crisp with a nice dose of vehicle exhaust
Moideen Shaikh, the launderer
Dahisar’s Krishna Nagar dhobi ghat, which counts many city hotels among its clientele, has been drying clothes on the footpath railing that runs along the highway near Nancy Colony. Besides being an eyesore, the towels could pose a serious hygiene threat to these hotels’ guests.
On any given day, commuters can see over 500 towels, bed sheets and pillow covers which are hung out to dry between 11 am and 3 pm. Launderer Moideen Shaikh told mid-day that the hotels are unaware of this practice. Hence, mid-day is withholding their names. The hotels he named included those in Powai and near the domestic airport.
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Don’t worry, it’s hygienic!
mid-day visited the spot on Wednesday posing as a hotel employee and spoke with Shaikh.
mid-day: I see many towels and clothes drying here...
Shaikh: We dry clothes here because we don’t have space inside the dhobi ghat.
mid-day: Our hotel is in Dahisar West. We want to give our hotel’s clothes to you for washing and drying.
Shaikh: I can do it. Towels are Rs 4, bed sheets Rs 7 and pillow covers Rs 2 for washing, drying and ironing. I will also drop them off at the hotel.
mid-day: Isn’t there too much dust on the highway? Will it be hygienic?
Shaikh: This place is quite open, so the clothes dry fast. Don’t worry. It is hygienic.