Instead of displaying regional division-wise WhatsApp helpline numbers, a single WhatsApp number would be displayed across Mumbai Metropolitan Region and it would be given wide publicity, Maharashtra Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik said on Thursday
Passengers can register their complaints on the number regarding their inconvenience. File Pic
A single WhatsApp number will be displayed in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region for complaints against auto rickshaw, taxi and app-based ride-hailing service drivers charging illegal fares, refusing fares, and misbehaving with passengers.
Passengers can register their complaints on the number regarding their inconvenience, Maharashtra Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik said on Thursday.
He was speaking at a meeting called regarding the harassment of rickshaw and taxi drivers in Bandra, Khar, and other railway station areas of the Bandra East constituency. During the meeting, Bandra East MLA Varun Sardesai and officials of the Motor Transport Department were present.
Varun Sardesai said that passengers have to endure harassment from rickshaw and taxi drivers in the Bandra, Khar, and Andheri railway station areas. These drivers charge fares in an illegal manner, misbehave, and refuse to drop many passengers at their desired destination.
Currently, the WhatsApp number 9920240202 has been displayed for the Andheri regional division.
"However, instead of displaying the regional division-wise WhatsApp helpline number, a single WhatsApp number should be displayed across the entire Mumbai Metropolitan Region area for a week and given wide publicity so that passengers can raise their complaints on the relevant WhatsApp number," Sarnaik directed the transport department.