We've been in a relationship for three years and have been living together. I love him and everything is great apart from the usual arguments that couples have
Dear Diana,
We've been in a relationship for three years and have been living together. I love him and everything is great apart from the usual arguments that couples have. I recently got in touch with a guy I hadn't talked to for three years. He lives in another country. Let's just say that back then, we had feelings for each other but I was in a relationship with someone else. Since I started to talk to him again, everything is the same. He still loves me and I still love him and it's getting stronger every day. I can't get him out of my head. My BF and this guy have completely different personalities and the problem is I love them both. I was in a perfectly happy relationship... why did I fall in love with someone else? I don't want to hurt anyone although I know that's what's going to happen. If I leave my boyfriend, I have to move thousands of miles away from my family and everything I know. However I know I'll be happy over there. What to do?Name withheld
Dear Friend,
I think you are better off cutting contact from him and making things work with your current partner. You have never met this other man. So, you don't truly know him in person. You probably get these feelings because it is something exciting and you know you shouldn't be doing it and that gives you a thrill. But really getting to know someone over the Internet, is mostly just fictional and you don't know the real person behind it. He could be a totally different person when you meet him in person.
She wants to have sex with another guy...
Dear Diana,
My girlfriend wants to have sex with another guy and wants my blessing. She's says it's cool because I will be allowed a free pass too. Why won't she understand that I only want to be with her? Does this mean she wants to break up with me?
Dear Idris,
If you aren't comfortable with the mention (forget the notion) of her wanting to have sex with another guy, tell her that. Tell her exactly how you feel about her proposal. If she wants to break up with you after that, you will know where she stands on this matter.u00a0
He says he wants me to change...
Dear Diana,
We've been together six-and-a-half years. My boyfriend recently told me that he has fallen out of love with me a bit because of the way I am. Then we had sex and he said he is in love with me again. If I change, will we be okay?
Name withheld
Dear Friend,
Sex doesn't suddenly re-ignite love unless that 'love' was lacking in much-needed depth. What exactly does he mean by "the way you are"? What sort of change does he desire? To be honest, I doubt this relationship will be okay. After six years, he tells you he has fallen out of love with you? Do you know how long he has really been feeling that way? What is keeping him with you then and why is sex the only thing that supposedly rekindles his love for you? How drastically is he asking you to change?