Cheating doesn’t come in just one shape and size, especially in today’s tech-savvy society. From Facebook flirting to online affairs to extramarital sexting, modern society has changed everything about the way we live, including the way we cheat
Washington: Cheating doesn’t come in just one shape and size, especially in today’s tech-savvy society.
From Facebook flirting to online affairs to extramarital sexting, modern society has changed everything about the way we live, including the way we cheat, Fox News reported.
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Now, we don’t even have to leave our houses to be unfaithful to our spouses. We can simply log on to Facebook and swap racy emails with an ex-boyfriend, all while in the comfort of our own living rooms.
Our lack of work/life balance has also changed the way that we relate to our partners. Emotional affairs are on the rise, as we spend more and more time at the office and less time at home. Many people even confess to having a “work husband” or “work wife.”
They spend the entire day with these coworkers, eating meals together, gossiping together, meeting up for happy hour and swapping funny emails. Even if physical boundaries aren’t crossed, a relationship like this can quickly feel very intense and intimate.
Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to infidelity.
If you wouldn’t do it or say it in front of your partner, you shouldn’t be doing or saying it at all.
It’s okay to be a flirtatious and sexual person, but it’s not okay to channel that energy into your relationship with your coworker instead of your partner. If you find yourself thinking about your coworker or your “work spouse” more than you do about your actual spouse, that’s a big red flag.
If you find yourself routinely tempted to flirt with people other than your spouse or you find yourself sending intimate emails to an ex, it’s time to ask yourself, “Why am I doing this? What am I getting out of this?”
Find out what is lacking in your own relationship and then find ways to bring that spontaneity and passion back into your own sex life.
Talk with your partner about your boundaries. It’s important for you and your partner to be on the same page about what constitutes cheating, especially online. Have a conversation about where your limits are and troubleshoot ways you can cheat-proof your relationship and keep your bond safe.