If you’re taking meth then you obviously won’t want somebody to find out through a drug test. So learning how to pass a drug test for meth with the minimum trauma and risk is essential.
In this complete guide I’m going to tell you exactly how to pass a meth drug test. I’ll be talking about using the following high-quality drug test avoidance product:
We will talk about natural detoxification, and how you can accelerate it to be genuinely clean to pass.
But if getting clean is going to be an issue, we will also talk about masking strategies. Detox drinks for meth, and high-quality synthetic urine strategies that will both work.
Plus, I’ll also talk about detection times in urine, saliva, hair, and tell you what you can use to pass oral and hair drug tests for meth as well.
How Long Does Meth Stay In Your System?
You’ll be told on most websites that meth stays in your system for around four days, and has half life between 9 and 24 hours.
The problem is that those half life statements are hugely different, and point to very different elimination speeds. The truth is there’s no 100% accurate answer on elimination speeds.
The four-day thing you’ll see quoted a lot is also partly wrong. It’s for someone who’s taken a single dose. Four days later, it’s gone.
If you are dosing meth every single day, then that slows the body down and metabolites build up. So you are not going to be clean in just three or four days if you are a daily user.
So in terms of the question around how long does meth stay in your system, the truth is that if you are using meth all the time then it’s going to take a week, or even two or three days longer, to be totally sure that you are going to test negative and pass a drug test.
Can You Just Do A Natural Method Detox?
So from what I’ve just said, you could do a natural detox if you don’t mind taking a week out from using meth. That’s the easiest way to be confident you are clean.
That’s definitely going to be an issue for most people using meth though. It’s not the sort of thing you can just dip in and out of unless you are very lucky and controlled.
If you any level of addiction, then the thought of just not taking it for 10 days or so is obviously problematic. But sure, if you’re capable of it, you can just abstain for a week and you will probably be clean.
The downside is withdrawal and issues, as well as the fact that you often don’t get a week or more notice of a drug test.
But there is a way to partially detox and stand a great chance of passing.
Best Detox Combo: Detox Pills & Detox Drinks For Meth
You can try and mask the drug toxins using a good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean.
The problem with that is that stray toxins can still get through. This is especially the case if you are a very regular user. The flow of waste products from the body through the kidneys and into the bladder is so persistent that the detox drink can’t create a gap in the flow of toxins that is long enough for you to submit your sample within.
In that circumstance, the best strategy is a combination one. You do a natural detox for as many days before your test as possible, and accelerate it with detox pills.
Toxin Rid are the best pills on the market, and they can speed up the removal of toxins by 50% or more than the fastest natural rate.
This could get you clean completely, or at least get rid of enough toxins so that the elimination slows down, giving the detox drink the ability to create a gap in the flow of toxins from the body of three or four hours during which you will be clean.
So, to recap, you’re looking at the strategy that uses:
- Toxin Rid detox pills (course length as long as you have days before your test)
- Good quality detox drink (Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean)
- Abstain and detox as many days as possible
- Mask remaining toxins on the day of your test
How To Pass A Mouth Swab Drug Test For Meth
If you’re facing an oral drug test then the problems are slightly different.
It will still be several days before you are clean to pass an oral drug test, but the real issue is the immediacy with which one can be done on you.
You don’t need to be at a special lab/location, and anyone can administer an oral drug test with some basic training. That’s why it’s becoming increasingly common for on the spot testing at work, by the roadside, and other locations.
But thankfully, it’s really easy to pass a mouth swab drug test using Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum, even with somebody standing in front of you.
It’s actually a capsule of very concentrated mouthwash liquid. It’s not cheap, but it’s the most potent on the market.
It’s also discreet. The size of a headache capsule, you can carry it on you, and then pop it into your mouth discreetly even with people near you.
Move the concentrated liquid around your mouth gently, using your tongue to focus it into the gumline and lower cheek areas where drug metabolites can congregate.
Then swallow everything, which leaves no trace. It’s totally undetectable and foolproof. It will stop metabolites from appearing in your saliva for up to 15 minutes.
How To Pass A Urine Drug Test For Meth
The most common type of drug test you will face is a urine drug test. Also, this most common type of test is mostly unsupervised.
If you’re a heavy meth user then you may be under some probation, cessation, or other legal process that would make it an observed test instead. But you will know in advance if you are going to be observed when you urinate.
So, the easiest way to pass an unsupervised drug test for meth is simply to submit a sample of high-quality synthetic urine rather than your own, bypassing the entire issue of flushing meth out of your system at all.
These are the reasons why I recommend Quick Luck:
- Contains at least 14 chemicals found in real urine
- Contains the right amounts of urea, uric acid, and creatinine
- Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
- Looks, froths, and smells like urine
- Uses heat activator powder
So what you’re getting is something highly complex. It will pass validity checks because it will appear completely natural.
If it comes under any sort of suspicion of visual scrutiny, it looks, froths, and even smells exactly like the real thing. You simply cannot tell the difference.
The other great reason to use Quick Luck though is the heat activator powder. This gives you complete control over the temperature of the sample in a way that you simply can’t with fake urine that uses a heatpad.
Just before you go into the building to submit your sample, tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder. Shake it gently until it dissolves. It will slightly raise the temperature. Check the temperature strip, and if there’s no reading, add a little more until you get one.
Then, tuck the sample into your underwear, and confidently go in and submit your sample knowing that it’s complex, will fool human scrutiny, and will be within the correct temperature range.
If you are facing an unsupervised urine drug test, then Quick Luck is definitely the best way to pass a drug test for meth.
Urine Test Alternative: Detox Drinks For Meth
I’ve already touched on using detox drinks as a final insurance policy after doing a detoxification program prior to the day of your drug test (accelerated with Toxin Rid pills).
If you are a light user, more days of the week clean than using, then you can probably get away with just using a detox drink on its own.
This strategy isn’t as good as the detoxification one, nor is it as good as using synthetic urine.
But if it’s an observed/supervised test, or you just don’t think you can smuggle urine in, or you don’t have time to detox, then it can be good enough on its own.
Rescue Cleanse is the detox drink of choice. Made by Clear Choice, it has the following characteristics:
- Highly complex formula
- Pushes out toxins far more rapidly naturally
- Completely undetectable
- Can keep your urine clean of toxins for up to 5 hours
Simply drink 90 minutes before your test. No additional water is needed. Then urinate at least three times over the next hour to push all the old urine out of your bladder and accelerate the removal of toxins already filtering through the kidneys.
The detox drink pushes toxins out of the body faster than can be achieved naturally. Doing this creates a gap in the toxin flow of several hours. It can be as long as five hours, during which fresh urine will not contain toxins.
Also, Rescue Cleanse pumps your body full of things found in urine. Because of the excess, some is passed through as waste in the correct balance, keeping your urine testing natural.
If you can’t get your hands on Rescue Cleanse, then the next best alternative is Mega Clean.
Mega Clean is best bought from Test Clear directly. If you do that, you get six pre-rid pills bundled in free. This will allow you to do a potent 24-hour detox on the day/night before your test to remove more toxins.
How To Pass A Hair Drug Test For Meth
There’s a lot of nonsense talked about hair drug testing, so let me clear it all up for you now.
It doesn’t matter what length your hair is, or where the sample hair is taken from, they always test the most recent 90 days growth.
So it doesn’t matter if the hair on your head is 4 feet long, only the first inch and a half that is closest your scalp is tested.
Also, you can’t get around hair drug testing just by bleaching your hair, or shaving your hair off. That’s obviously noticeable, and they can take a sample from elsewhere. Unless you are going to shave your entire body, it’s a ridiculous notion.
The best way to pass a hair drug test is simply to follow the Macujo method. It uses Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo as the base, along with some household ingredients, to open up the hard cuticle layer of each strand of hair, and flush out the toxins.
You’ll need to run through it at least seven times in the days leading up your test (once or twice per day), and you’ll have to follow the process exactly, but it’s the only surefire way to pass a hair drug test with meth in your hair.
Best Meth Detox Products: Where To Buy
I hope this is been helpful to you, and that you now know how to pass a drug test for meth, no matter what type of test you are facing.
Let’s finish up here by telling you exactly what products you need, and where to get them:
- Quick Luck synthetic urine is available from Clear Choice. You can buy it via the testnegative website.
- Rescue Cleanse detox drink is also available from Clear Choice, through the testnegative website.
- Oral Clear gum is available direct from Clear Choice, again through the testnegative website.
- Toxin Rid pills are available from Test Clear.
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