We've curated cool Twitter handles to see you through 24 hours
It's been a decade since the chirping bird flew into our Internet lives and now, has made a permanent place on our shoulders (read pockets). Where this ocean of information, battlefield for trolls and marvel of communication goes from here is only matter of speculation. But we bring to you some accounts from that mesh that will add value to your day from the morning till you sleep. Can you handle it?
Mojo for the mind
1) @DalaiLama: The Dalai Lama’s last post was on technology. Unarguably, one of the most serene of soulful voices of the world right now.
2) @DoreenVirtue: American author and motivational speaker, Doreen Virtue shares good thoughts on social media and has over 131k followers.
Diet matters
3) @healthyetr This handle run from the USA keeps you updated on the right foods to eat and the right shift of diet. With its clear stand on not sacrificing too many of the tasty dishes they have over 11k followers.
Travel guru
4) #JetInstant: Tweet this and you’ll know the status of your flight.
5) @RidlrMUM: It helps you stay updated and skirt the traffic snarls.
Eat into this
6) @Finelychopped: The handle run by food blogger Kalyan Karmakar has over 19k followers tracking his foodie adventures.
7) @RanveerBrar: Catch up with celebrity chef and pick his valuable tips, interspersed with events of his life among his updates.
Food for the brain
8) Creative Mornings@Mumbai_CM: Been long since you nudged that creative side of yourself? Follow their events and give it the right massage.
Good Night
9) @NASA: Follow them for fascinating updates on the bright little specks of the universe.
10) @TSBookClub: The Sunday Book Club is where all the chatter about books is going on. Pick up one to go to bed with.