Wearable tech is poised to become the next big thing and several big players in the industry are gearing up to flood the market with their products.
WASHINGTON: Wearable tech is poised to become the next big thing and several big players in the industry are gearing up to flood the market with their products.
Companies like Google, LG, Motorola, and Samsung are already present in the market and rumours are doing the rounds that Apple could be the latest entrant.
So, with all that initiative taken by tech companies, how are consumers responding to it? Do they even know what wearable technology is?
According to a recent study, majority of the people (around 70 per cent) that were surveyed know what wearable technology is. In fact, the study found that one in six adults already owned a device that fell into the wearable technology category — smartwatches, fitness bands and Google Glass among others.