In what could come as music to the ears of Mumbai's sound technicians and their ilk, Enzy Studios in Goregaon opened its doors with the promise to introduce world-class facilities in sound and music recording. The Guide invited freelance engineer, composer and programmer Jonathan Rebeiro for a sound check of this new recording space in the city, which is the brainchild of Nischal Zaveri, whose family is better known for their flourishing diamond business
My first thoughts on being informed about Enzy Studios and its founder were basically what most were thinking. What is the kin of one of the most famous jewellery families in our country doing with a foray into the music business? But as the day progressed the answer became clearer. It was “passion”. As 23-year-old Nischal Zaveri, owner of Enzy Studios, plainly puts it, “In the recent years, music has become my everything. So, during my years abroad when I was honing my skills, there grew a passion within me to come back home and provide our music industry with nothing but the best of everything... that is the story behind Enzy Studios.”
u00a0A music session in progress at Enzy Studios
Sound check
The studio, in total, adds up to 5,500 sq feet. On entering the premises, you are treated to a very sanitised, corporate-looking reception with a giant television staring right at you. However, that impression gets somewhat rectified once you notice the beautiful, antique grand piano in the lobby being used as the front desk. We spotted a few familiar faces from the music world. Soon, Zaveri joined us, from where our tour of the new space began.u00a0As we entered the control room of the Studio A, the size and the spacious vibe impressed. This is a luxury in such times, considering that studios these days are getting considerably smaller and often, at times, suffocating to work in. This can become a constraint especially when recordings stretch for long hours. It became evident that a lot of treatment has been done to the room but it wasn’t unnecessary or over-the-top.
Owner Nischal Zaveri
What we liked
The outboard gear in the studio was impressive with world-class mic pre-amps, EQ’s and compressors that are bound to get any gear nut excited. There is also a ‘D Control’ digital console from Digidesign and to complete the workflow are Avatone reference near fields and Dynaudio Monitors setup in 5.1 and also 7.1 compatible. u00a0Studio Y, which is coming up soon, will boast of an identical set-up with just a change in the monitoring. The Live room (this is an isolated room where most or all of the recording of vocals and instruments, etc, takes place) boasts of two isolated booths (generally used for vocals) and a much larger recording hall (with a lovely drum kit already set up) and a large collection of mics. All three rooms can be shared between both the studios.
Soon, it became clear that Enzy, with its range of conventional and unconventional gear alike, is definitely one of the more technically well-equipped and advanced studios in the country and also in some aspects, in the world. The team at Enzy too (four members and support staff) is friendly and keen on making your work experience a pleasant one. There are plenty of open spaces and also a pantry for clients to relax after long hours of work.u00a0
The newly opened Enzy Studios u00a0boasts of 5,500 sq feet of space and is technically advanced. They offer a range of impressive musical gear all under one roof.
The lone factor that disappointed was the digital console, which was ‘futuristic’, but personally we would still prefer to see the glory of an analog board considering the liberty of space, etc. The location of the studio, too, may prove a bit of a hassle to some clients who would prefer not to travel out of their comfort zones. In sync
Overall, the experience at Enzy Studios was satisfying and working there would be an experience to look forward to, considering the gear that is available under a single roof. It boasts of world-class equipment and facilities and also a friendly and relaxed working environment. Despite being a newcomer in the industry, Enzy Studios shows great potential that should be perceived as a timely development for music makers in the city.
At: C501-502, Lotus Corporate Park, Ram Mandir Road, Goregaon (E)
Call: 88796853-61/62/63/64/65/66/69
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Sound check, goaA
If you wish to take your recording experience to another level, check out Studio Ra, located in the forests of Goa in Bardez. And if you wish to skip the commute from your hotel to the studio, they also offer a villa, which is available for non-studio users as well.
Call: 9820135485
Creative, and how!
Enzy Studios also offers facilities for recording in the bathroom for those who like to push their creativity a notch further!
Music studios in mumbai
That Studio is a jam/recording room and offers great facilities at its two recording rooms.
At: First floor, near Sion Bus Depot, Sion.
Call: 9920244713 / 9821638179
Cotton Press Studio was started by the band Something Relevant last year and is built inside a cotton mill in Parel.
At: Unit 18, PCPF Compound, 9D Elphinstone Bridge Road, Parel (E).
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Also story
At: Empire Audio Studio
Shah Industrial Estate, Veera Desai Road, Andheri (W).
Call: 26731915u00a0