That I was Spider-Man. And I fell off a building because I lost my powers
Aditya Seal
One superpower you wish to possess?
Your guilty pleasure movie?
The Animal [2001].
The last nightmare you had?
That I was Spider-Man. And I fell off a building because I lost my powers.
What is your Kryptonite?
You can buy me with cars.
Which same-sex actor are you crushing on?
Hrithik Roshan.
Who do you turn to when you are sad?
The TV show Friends.
One thing you will never share with anyone?
If time travel was a possibility, where would you go?
Back to 2008-2009 and buy s**t loads of Bitcoin.
One thing on your wishlist?
To see the Northern Lights.
Place you were first kissed?
My society terrace.