Of late, several real-life Bollywood exes, like Deepika-Ranbir and Ranveer-Anushka, have put their differences aside for professional commitments. The latest to join the bandwagon are Akshay Kumar and Raveena Tandon
Raveena Tandon and Akshay Kumar
Raveena Tandon and Akshay Kumar
Of late, several real-life Bollywood exes, like Deepika Padukone-Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh-Anushka Sharma, have put their differences aside for professional commitments.
The latest to join the bandwagon are Akshay Kumar and Raveena Tandon. The duo, known for their scintillating on and off-screen chemistry in the '90s, may soon come together on the small screen.
They are likely to be part of the judging panel of a comedy show. Apparently Akki will be the super judge. However, the actress is yet to give her nod.