Kapil Sharma was rushed to an Andheri hospital after he complained of uneasiness on the set of his 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. A check-up revealed his blood pressure had dropped sharply. He is now under observation
Kapil Sharma
Last evening, Kapil Sharma was rushed to an Andheri hospital after he complained of uneasiness on the set of his skit-cum-chat show. A check-up revealed his blood pressure had dropped sharply. He is now under observation.
Kapil was slated to shoot at Reliance Studios in Goregoan's Film City at 4.30 pm yesterday with the Guest Iin London star cast — Paresh Rawal, Tanvi Azmi, Karthik Aryan, Kriti Kharbanda and musician Raghav Sachar. However, just before cameras could roll, Kapil felt uneasy, seeking urgent medical attention.
Says a unit hand, "Kapil Sharma arrived for rehearsals at 2.30 pm along with his co-acts. Everything was fine and the 'Guest Iin London' unit also arrived for the shoot. Suddenly, Kapil said he was feeling unwell and in no position to shoot."
He called up his doctor, who is attached to the Andheri hospital, and was asked to come over for immediate check-up. Adds the source, "Kapil left Film City and told his colleagues he would ask the doctor if he could return to the set. But his BP was alarmingly low and he needed hospitalisation."
At around 6.30 pm, the shoot was called off, confirmed sources close to the show.