Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted with her son, Taimur Ali Khan as the actress visited her friend's place in Bandra, Mumbai. Doting momma, Bebo was seen instructing her little one to make sure he is careful while playing on the swing.
The 80s and mid-90s actress, Sonu Walia was spotted in Bandra, Mumbai. The 'Khoon Bhari Maang' actress looked gorgeous in a white blazer, paired with black trousers and a black tee.
Vaani Kapoor was spotted outside Manish Malhotra's house in Bandra, Mumbai. Clad in a floral print singlet dress, Vaani was all smiles for the paparazzi as she stepped out of the designer's residence.
It was actress Kubbra Sait's birthday on July 27. And the actress was seen cutting her birthday cake in front of the paparazzi, outside a popular restaurant in Bandra, Mumbai.
Sonnalli Seygall was snapped in Bandra, Mumbai in her casual best. The 'Jai Mummy Di' actress opted for a grey hoodie shirt, paired with super-ripped jeans and black slippers.
Alia Bhatt was snapped outside a dubbing studio in Bandra, Mumbai. Dressed in black shorts and a black full-sleeved t-shirt, Alia seemed in no mood to get papped. The actress headed straight to her car.
Rhea Chakraborty was snapped outside a popular restaurant in Bandra, Mumbai. The actress opted for a peach top and blue high-waisted jeans for the lunch outing. Rhea was all smiles for the shutterbugs and even posed for a few clicks.
Arjun Kapoor had a meeting with his 'Ek Villain 2' director Mohit Suri. The actor was snapped outside Suri's office in Bandra, Mumbai.