Malaika Arora was spotted at diva yoga in Bandra, Mumbai. The actress opted for an all-black athleisure during the outing. All pictures/Yogen Shah
Malaika Arora opted for a black sports bra, which she paired with black yoga shorts and a jacket for her workout session.
The fitness diva, who is often seen giving all the actress' run for their money with her svelte and fit avatar in later 40's, posed for the shutterbugs when snapped in the city.
Malaika Arora also turned showstopper at Lakme Fashion Week Summer Resort 2020 hosted in the city. The actress opted for a pretty pink lehenga as her showstopper look.
Later in the day, Malaika Arora was clicked sans makeup at a popular salon in Bandra, Mumbai. She also posed for the paps when clicked in the city.
Malaika Arora sported a black crop top, which she paired with white joggers and a diamond necklace during the outing.
Aditi Gowitrikar was also spotted at the same salon. The actress flaunted her bare skin when snapped by the shutterbugs in the city.