Malaika Arora, who is known as a fitness enthusiast, was spotted at her yoga classes in Bandra, Mumbai. The actress was seen doing a balancing act during the session. All pictures/Yogen Shah
Malaika Arora, who not only works out on a daily basis, follows a diet to keep herseld healthy. Talking abut the same in an interview with mid-day, Malaika said: "Anybody who knows me, knows that I don't propagate fad diets. I'm clear about one thing —people must eat healthy meals, and exercise."
Malaika Arora further added: "You'll never see me on a crash diet, or following trends merely because they are popular in the West. You'll keep hearing developments that talk about the [ill-effects of] rice, or the benefits of having six meals."
Malaika Arora has rice as her staple food and revealed how it plays an important role in her meals. "I grew up in a South Indian household and consumed rice generously. But, we believed in having food that's unprocessed, and preferably grown as organically as possible."
Malaika Arora also said: "I still have ghee every day. But, you'll never see me binge-eating. My mother always said, 'Get up from the table while you're still hungry'. I'm particular about my meals, and always eat on time. But, I don't eat after 7.30 pm."
Did you know Malaika Arora started working out to cure her hamstring injury? "I participate in a mix of fitness activities. I head to the gym, because I like weight-training and functional exercises. However, what really changed me is yoga. I started practising it to heal a hamstring injury."
Yoga is something the actress pays attention to, and talking about how it helps her body, Malaika Arora said: "But, yoga helped me internally, externally and holistically. It changed my mood, thought process, mental and emotional [state]. "