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From Classroom Doodles to Creative Leadership: An Insightful Interview with Tay Guan Hin, author of Collide, Creative Director, and Industry Trendsetter

Updated on: 25 June,2024 01:13 PM IST  |  Mumbai
BrandMedia |

Guan has delivered keynote speeches at TEDx, Spikes Asia, and Cannes Lions, sharing his insights with industry leaders like Tencent and Unilever.

From Classroom Doodles to Creative Leadership: An Insightful Interview with Tay Guan Hin, author of Collide, Creative Director, and Industry Trendsetter

Tay Guan Hin

Mid-Day recently interviewed BBDO Singapore's Creative Chairman, Tay Guan Hin. With a distinguished career spanning major agencies like Saatchi & Saatchi, Wunderman Thompson, and Leo Burnett, Guan is renowned for leveraging cutting-edge digital strategies to elevate brand appeal for top-tier clients such as Visa, Audi, P&G, and Unilever. His innovative approaches have not only enhanced market presence but also addressed complex business challenges. Guan's impressive accolades include over 350 awards and the distinction of being the first Southeast Asian recognized as a Jury President by the Cannes Lions. He has also led the global Design & Art Direction show and chaired juries for prestigious events like the Asian Effies and London International Awards. Globally sought after for his expertise, Guan has delivered keynote speeches at TEDx, Spikes Asia, and Cannes Lions, sharing his insights with industry leaders like Tencent and Unilever. His passion for nurturing the next generation is evident through his initiation of Singapore's first student awards and active involvement in mentoring. He has judged and spoken at the inaugural One Show China and the Greater China Creative Summit.

1. Can you share the story of your journey in the advertising industry and what led you to your current role as Creative Chairman at BBDO Singapore?
As a student at ACPS, I frequently got into trouble for drawing comic characters on my textbooks. Despite this, my principal saw my potential and encouraged my parents to support a career in art. This was a pivotal shift, mainly when most peers aimed to be engineers, lawyers, or doctors. With their blessing, I gained confidence, ventured into commercial art, and enrolled in the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena to study advertising.

I participated in the first Los Angeles Creative Competition at the Art Center. Adapting to the competitive American culture was challenging, but I won the Best of Show, a significant career moment. This recognition propelled my career, and I've been consistently recognized as one of Singapore's most influential Creative Directors for the past decade.

I've held prestigious positions such as Southeast Asia's first Cannes Lion Outdoor Jury President in 2010, Asia's first Clio Chairman in 2007, and Asia's first D&AD Jury Foreman in 2009. In 2022, I joined the One Show International Board of Directors. More recently, I served as Jury President for Spikes Asia in 2024 and the London International Awards in 2023.

2. "Collide" has become the highest-selling book on Amazon. What inspired you to write this book, and what message do you hope readers take away from it?
"Collide" offers a compelling perspective on creativity and innovation, emphasizing that challenges are vital for progress and collaboration. The book demonstrates how combining diverse ideas can spark ground-breaking innovations and encourages readers to turn obstacles into opportunities.

Designed as a practical guide, "Collide" is essential for anyone looking to enhance their creativity and problem-solving skills. It features over 120 black-and-white illustrations and interviews with leading innovators.

Upon release, it became an Amazon bestseller within 24 hours and made the Straits Times bestseller list. Published by Penguin Random House Southeast Asia, "Collide" is a must-read for innovators and business leaders.

Amazon India link: Click here

3. You've been invited as a judge at numerous global advertising competitions. What do you look for in a winning ad campaign?
In a winning ad campaign, I prioritize deep human insights that tap into core emotions, thoughts, and needs. Ads reflecting genuine human experiences resonate strongly with audiences. Equally important is the authentic connection with popular culture, mirroring trends or setting new ones, ensuring timely and relatable content. Audiences can detect insincerity, so ads must seamlessly integrate with cultural trends while staying true to their message.

Technology should enhance creativity without overwhelming it, adding novelty and excitement. Campaigns that creatively address local or global challenges capture attention, spark conversations, and generate buzz, making them widely shared and impactful. This comprehensive approach ensures the ad campaign is both memorable and effective.

4. Can you describe your creative process when developing a new advertising campaign?
Introducing the C.O.L.L.I.D.E. process: a robust approach for tackling business problems through Context, Opportunity, Learn, Leverage, Ideate, Develop, and Execute.

  1. Context: Understand the environment and define the problem or need clearly. Always seek new information.
  2. Opportunity: Identify potential opportunities through intelligence gathering, S.W.O.T. analysis, and customer feedback. Use a visual mood board for insights.
  3. Learn: Analyze gathered information to define the task, considering the problem, end user, budget, and timeframe to set a clear goal.
  4. Leverage: Develop a strategic plan, summarizing insights, setting objectives, and establishing success metrics. Focus on direction and themes.
  5. Ideate: Brainstorm, generate, and document numerous ideas individually or with a team. Cluster them by direction while keeping the big picture in mind.
  6. Develop: Refine ideas, categorizing them into Safe, I Love It, and Scary. Safe ideas offer predictable solutions; I Love It ideas are innovative, and Scary ideas challenge norms.
  7. Execute: Implement, test, and refine the idea with feedback from colleagues and customers. Ensure feasibility and revisit imagination if necessary. Repeat for optimal results.

5. What has been the most challenging campaign you've worked on, and how did you overcome those challenges?
Every campaign I've worked on has unique challenges, but overcoming them makes the victory even sweeter. The key to success is maintaining focus and developing resilience to keep pushing forward. Instead of giving up, I find alternative solutions, such as hiring up-and-coming talent to stay within budget while bringing fresh perspectives.

Seeking help and support from others is also essential. I've learned to adopt a "Who cares" attitude, which has allowed me to trust my gut instincts more. This confidence helps me navigate through obstacles and find creative solutions.

Building solid relationships with clients and production houses is crucial. Close collaboration fosters trust, protects the original ideas, and ensures the final product stays true to the vision despite any challenges.

6. As a mentor to young aspiring advertisers, what advice do you give those just starting in the industry?
Entering the advertising industry was vastly different back then compared to now. Yet, the essential quality for young, aspiring advertisers remains unchanged: resilience. Beginning a career in an agency demands a determined mindset and a relentless desire to learn and grow continuously. Despite having access to vast amounts of data, we must acknowledge that our knowledge is never complete, and believing otherwise halts our development. Therefore, maintaining curiosity is crucial. Drawing from personal experiences, seeking inspiration from our surroundings, and engaging in diverse encounters are key. For instance, my creativity is sparked by varied experiences, such as witnessing robot battles in Tokyo, spending time on a boat with my sons, or finding new perspectives through personal blogs and social media posts from friends.

7. How do you balance nurturing creativity and ensuring the advertisements are commercially viable?
Creating successful ads requires balancing creativity with business goals. First, ensure the ad appeals to your audience by understanding their needs and creating content that connects emotionally and solves their problems. Engaging ads are more likely to be shared and remembered.

Second, the ad must be practical and align with your business strategy. It must set realistic financial goals and stay current with market trends. By balancing innovation and practicality, it should grab attention, drive sales, and provide a good return on investment.

Lastly, the ad must be feasible to produce within your time, budget, and resource constraints, ensuring you have the necessary technical capabilities, timeline, and talent. Considering these factors leads to creatively exciting, successful, and sustainable ads.

8. As an inspiration to the ADHD community, how has your personal experience with ADHD influenced your work and approach to advertising?
Living with ADHD is like having a constantly active brain full of creativity, ideas, and occasional chaos. This unique perspective significantly influences my work in advertising, turning challenges into opportunities and routine tasks into adventures. ADHD provides a creativity boost akin to a superpower, allowing my mind to make connections others might miss, leading to innovative ideas. This knack for fresh thinking is invaluable in advertising, where standing out is crucial. However staying organized is a challenge, but it adds to the fun, and I’ve learned to use tools and techniques to stay on track.

Empathy also plays a significant role; understanding the feeling of being misunderstood helps me connect deeply with diverse people and craft authentic advertising messages. The resilience and adaptability gained from living with ADHD turn perceived weaknesses into strengths, keeping me agile in an ever-evolving industry.

ADHD has been my creative catalyst, transforming everyday advertising into an exciting journey of ideas, empathy, and endless possibilities.

9. What advice would you give to individuals with ADHD who aspire to succeed in the creative industries?
For individuals with ADHD aspiring to excel in creative industries, embracing their unique talents is crucial. ADHD can bring creativity, intense focus on passions, and quick adaptability, all valuable in roles like graphic design, animation, writing, and music.

Finding a supportive community that appreciates neurodiversity is essential, offering motivation and inspiration. Implementing some structure, such as using planners and establishing routines, can enhance productivity and help manage tasks. Leveraging hyperfocus during peak times and breaking tasks into smaller chunks can optimize efficiency.

Celebrating small wins boosts confidence and motivation, aiding continuous progress and success in creative projects.

10. What trends do you see shaping the future of advertising, and how should advertisers prepare for these changes?
Brands are increasingly leveraging AI to streamline and personalize content creation. Generative AI is revolutionizing the industry by enabling rapid, scalable production of tailored content, enhancing customer interactions, and making them more meaningful. The challenge lies in harnessing creativity to distinguish AI-generated work.  Immersive technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are also advancing, offering brands innovative ways to craft engaging experiences. As these technologies evolve, the focus is on making them cost-effective and widely adopted.

Additionally, the creator economy thrives, with brands partnering with influential creators to foster authentic engagement and broaden reach. These collaborations, mainly through short-form content on TikTok and Instagram, allow brands to tell their stories more relatable and impactfully.

11. Can you share advice or a philosophy that has guided your professional and personal life?
Stay curious. Draw from life experiences. Look around for inspiration. Expose yourself to different encounters.

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