In India, Telegram has disclosed the names of channel administrators by the decision of a local court. It becomes known their phone numbers and IP addresses as part of a copyright infringement case.
What will happen next, how to resist such pressure from the authorities, and what reliable alternative to Telegram exists today? Let's try to figure it out together.
What happened in India?
The incident occurred with a local teacher Neetu Singh, who went to court because of the unauthorized distribution of her course materials on the platform. She stated that several Telegram channels resell her educational materials without permission at discounted prices.
Telegram representatives said that the disclosure of user information would violate the privacy policy and laws of Singapore, where physical servers are located to store user data.
However, an Indian court ruled that copyright holders cannot remain "completely defenseless against actual infringers."
Soon, the judge said that Telegram had complied with the ruling and shared the data. A copy of the data was given to the plaintiff's lawyer with an indication that the party should not disclose this information to third parties unless it concerns the proceedings.
By the way, India is one of the largest markets for Telegram, and messenger has almost 150 million users in South Asia. And a local court previously ordered Telegram to comply with the laws of India and disclose details about those who manage the channels.
Now all Telegram users are under real threat in India and all over the world. However, there is a way out — to use Utopia P2P — a decentralized ecosystem with the anonymous, encrypted messenger, and other private tools.
Utopia P2P messenger is an alternative messenger in the Utopia P2P ecosystem. Its main difference from others is safe and anonymous communication within the ecosystem. It does not need to be downloaded additionally — it is already in the ecosystem, like all other tools. The messenger is used in many countries and communities as an anonymous messenger instead of Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.
Do you want the data to be safe and not disclosed at the first request of the state? Forget about Telegram and other popular messengers. Choose decentralized and secure options like Utopia P2P.