If all the world's a stage as quipped by the legendary litterateur William Shakespeare, then Vini Rana, the young and gorgeous girl from Muzzafar Nagar in Uttar Pradesh is set to make her presence felt in the gigantic Bollywood stage aided by her hardwork and superbly endowed uncanny natural talent. Meet the beautiful Vini Rana the actress of Honeymoon Diaries on Amazon Prime who's also an innovative fashion-designer and very talented stylist as she speaks about her acting journey in utter calm and confidence..
Q: What makes you to come to Mumbai and try your luck in Bollywood?
Ans: Look, I have come to Mumbai with passion for acting, acting and nothing but acting.
And I have put my best foot forward in the big Bollywood landscape.
Q: Was acting your childhood dream or it just grew on you as you grew up in life?
Ans: I have been attracted to glamour world since my childhood and acting has been my childhood dream.
Q: There are so many newcomers already in the industry and there are still many who are pouring in. How do you fit into this sea of artistes? What's your strategy to come out a winner among them?
Ans: I know there is lot of competition, but what I am thinking about acting is just be you, be real, don’t copy, be unique and be smart.
Q.How do you find the Bollywood industry?
Ans : Bollywood is everywhere in India. Everyone knows about this and also I'm watching tv serials and movies from my childhood. When I used to see any actor or actress on tv I was thinking why couldn't I be one!?
Q: Who's your idol in Bollywood? Any all-time favourite actress?
Ans : Madhuri Dixit is my idol. She is so beautiful and is perfect for every act.
Q: What's your fitness mantra?
Ans : Well, I'm a fitness freak. I do workout daily and meditation also.
Q.: How do you relax yourself?
Ans: I do my favourite things like meditation, talk with my family, shopping and spend meaningful time with my friends.
Q: From Muzzafar Nagar to Mumbai,the city of dreams, how has been the journey?
Ans : It has been a beautiful journey notwithstanding the struggle process. Self-introspection and improving and improvising have been the key. Regular working out and joining dance classes and diction classes have helped me immensely.
Q.: What's favourite eating place?
Ans: It's Pop Tates, 7 Bungalows. They have great food and a very relaxing ambience.
*So far two Hindi music video albums namely “Tu Dhoop Main Dhuaan" and “Yunn Bekarari".
*Continuing regularly catalogue shoot and print shoots et al.
*Recently web series Honeymoon Diaries released on Amazon Prime.
*Talks are already on for good movies and TV serials.