Model, influencer, and entrepreneur Ana M. Moreno, also known as Gypssai in social media, has successfully published her very first thriller suspense book, Cold Blood. It takes on the classic murder/mystery serial killer genre but goes beyond to dive deep into the killer's motivation. It explores the murder narrative and the psychological, ethical, and philosophical principles behind the action. The novel inspires intrigue and encourages readers to reflect on the values of the present time and how society treats people considered outcasts or rejects.
Born in Spain, Ana M. Moreno is an author and model who quickly gained popularity in social media over the past years. In early 2022, she debuted her thriller novel Cold Blood. Moreno also published several children's books, The Scary House - A Paranormal History!, Mermaids Are Of All Colors!, and Short Motivational Stories For Kids to Never Give Up. She currently lives in the US.
According to Moreno, she has always been afraid to write her book because she thinks her English fluency wasn't good enough. As an immigrant from Spain, she has struggled to communicate with others, affecting her self-perception and confidence. However, her passion for writing and her dream of being a writer is stronger than her self-doubts, prompting her to write Cold Blood and debut as a thriller suspense author. Moreno says she regrets not having it done sooner.
With the successful launch of Cold Blood, Moreno wishes to encourage others to do things they are afraid to do because of their self-perceived limitations. Despite not speaking proper English, Moreno is proud to have published her novel and inspired others who wish to write their book.
Aside from her thriller book, Moreno has also published children's books focused on diversity, encouragement, and other messages of hope.
Cold Blood is only available for purchase on Kindle and Amazon. Find more information here: