In today’s times fashion is more like a statement which implies for the celebs and influencers to be standing out of the crowd.
Since ages the celebs and fashion icons have been celebrated for starting trends or keeping up with them, so same goes for the gender neutral fashion which is an evolved trend and is also a way of showing respect to the LGBTQ community.
Since time immemorial women have been following some or the other menswear trend be it pant suit look or the dapper oversized shirt dresses, women have been aping menswear even in the basic looks so now it’s time for men to also evolve their choices in the women’s category. This seems an unconventional choice but it is really catching on in the recent times. Both the genders are getting combined in today’s fashion era with the masses as well. Skirts no longer denote feminine side as more and more men in the metro cities are styling skirts or draped silhouettes in their fashion game.
The new emergence of the the gender neutral trends are also giving unisex brands a push to create more and more creative styles and not merely sports or basic active wear. As David Beckham posted a picture with the feminine shorts just a reminder that our society has evolved from the gender specific roles, meanwhile in India Ranveer Singh has also been defining gender neutral fashion since quite sometime now.
Men dressing in feminine clothing is absolutely normal these days and should not be looked down upon or mocked in our society as the times are changing, fashion is a sense of self expression and self expression is unique to every individual. I firmly believe everybody is entitled to make their own fashion choices irrespective of what anyone has to say. Men dressing up in feminine clothing is more of a fashion statement these days as many male celebs can be seen prestigiously donning some of the very colourful and feminine styles in their fashion game. Our brand is working with sustainable fashion these days and gender neutral fashion is a genre that we are aiming to touch soon.