In fact, its quite a bore and you're well off avoiding it.
Jaaji Mallige is a remake of the Tamil film Devatain Kandain.u00a0u00a0u00a0
Though the directoru00a0Ananthraj has done a decent jog of the screenplay andu00a0script, the first half is actuallyu00a0pretty boring.u00a0u00a0
The story:u00a0Ramu (Ajay) sellsu00a0tea at his stall andu00a0meets a college girl Uma (Gauri). They begin talking about their lives.u00a0Umau00a0evenu00a0decides to help Ramu at his busines. They slowly fall inu00a0love, butu00a0Uma becomesu00a0sick. Enteru00a0doctor Prashant (Nagkiran) and Ramu is all but forgotten.
So doesu00a0Ramu win her back? How does the confrontation betweent the two former lovers go? In two wordsu00a0- at court.
What's Hot: Ajayu00a0and Gauri haveu00a0put in ratheru00a0minimum effort to pullu00a0 offu00a0theiru00a0roles. Comic reliefu00a0u00a0Komal's efforts however have paid off making it something to look forwardu00a0to in the movie.u00a0M.R Seenu's camera work is also worth mentioning.
What's Not: The music and the dialogues are au00a0bore.
Verdict: Avoid it.u00a0u00a0