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Horoscope 2016: Here's what's in store for you

Updated on: 01 January,2016 09:45 AM IST  | 
Aparna Bose |

Tarot consultant Aparna Bose zips through 2016 to see what the new year has in store for all 12 zodiacs

Horoscope 2016: Here's what's in store for you


Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Possible job change after March  
Ready to celebrate? Getting your due at the ‘karmic’ as well as practical level is likely to be the overarching theme of 2016.

Niggling coughs and colds could linger if you don’t take care of yourself, and this includes visiting the doctor when you need to and taking medicines on time. Arians who work out regularly should modify their routine to suit their energy levels.

This is a positive time for legal matters and business negotiations, as long as you remain patient and don’t give up prematurely. Self employed professionals and entrepreneurs could consider striking a partnership with a friend. But, go ahead only if you can keep business dealings separate from camaraderie. Those looking for a job change will find better prospects after March. Take a little extra care of important documents and valuables, especially when travelling.

This is a positive time for all relationships, especially those concerning family. Sort out differences from a space of love and understanding instead of insisting on getting your way. Differences with your spouse or partner will be comparatively easier to work around, if you are willing to make the effort. Take the help of a therapist or counsellor if the situation worsens. Singles could find love unexpectedly since a friendship has the potential to turn into something more.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
It’s safe for me to take charge of my life and kick in positive changes. I will embrace change as both, healthy and necessary.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Singles, be open to love
This year is the year of the Bull! Taureans are in a special zone; their wishes may get manifested in almost magical ways. So, be careful about what you wish for! Keep a watch on your weight, and don’t allow your love for the good things to get the better of you. Vegetarians may need to modify their diet to include more plant-based protein or take a supplement under a doctor’s supervision.

Business partnerships might go through a slightly shaky patch, but you can work things through as long as you remain focused. Any difference of opinion with your boss should be dealt with while keeping the ego aside (yes, it is possible). This is a good year for investments and finances, but you do need to research instead of allowing yourself to be pulled into a scheme that is not all it promises to be.

Taureans will find themselves whittling their friend list down to only those who really matter, and this may include getting off silly WhatsApp groups. A willingness to look at situations from your spouse or partner’s perspective will bring an immediate change in your equation. Singles must remain open to love and not restrict themselves to notions of ‘my type’. Those really serious about meeting someone, just might, as long as they look beyond appearances.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will free myself from my past and habits that no longer suit me. I will reinvent myself at every step and move forward fearlessly.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
May consider getting back with an ex
Geminis can look forward to stability and a certain security. Listening to good advice, even if you’d rather do the opposite, needs your focus. Try to give up addictions like alcohol, cigarettes, and working too hard. Business and career may be a little slow at times, but will be headed in the right direction soon. New clients might need a little extra attention, and this will require smart time management. Some Geminis might change jobs, and it could take you a while to get established in the new organisation. Property, especially family property, will be a focus if you are looking to sell. Make sure all your paperwork is in order. Keep past income tax records in place in case of an enquiry.

Aparna Bose
Aparna Bose

Your social life will progress according to your whims, and you might find yourself alternating between recluse and party animal avatars. Look at the positives in your marriage or relationship instead of focusing on what is wrong. A little genuine respect and love never hurt, even during difficult times. Singles could seriously consider getting back with an ex, and need to be willing to start afresh, letting the past go, as the issue that caused the original break up may still be lurking.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will listen to my instinct and not waste energy second-guessing myself. I will believe in myself.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Don’t get into a relationship mindlessly
The focus is on relationships for Cancerians. How you relate to and behave with people should be at the forefront of your personal and professional life. Take a little extra care of your health while travelling since you are susceptible to stomach bugs. Businesspersons or self employed professionals looking for a financial backer should manage to find one, though you will have to deal with a tough negotiator. Any complex business issues may take a while to get sorted; be willing to compromise, if needed. A promotion or raise in salary is possible if you are in line for it, though this would mean even more hard work in future. Any past financial issues or setbacks must be dealt with promptly. Do not give into the tendency of complicating the situation further by borrowing when you don’t have the means to pay back.

Make an effort to work through issues with your spouse or partner instead of giving up or taking drastic decisions, especially if you have children and/or your finances are tied together. Singles might want to introspect a little and think about what it is they really want before getting into an equation mindlessly (even if the person is attractive or insistent).

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will stay away from negative thoughts and behaviour. I will attract positivity and honesty.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Make only safe investments
Wishes will come true as this is a year for positive changes across situations. Blood pressure and cholesterol niggles could create a few moments of ill health if you don’t take care of yourself. Do not stop taking medication or change medication without your doctor’s approval. Businesspersons and self employed professionals with high profile clients should not take business for granted. Give each client/project the time and attention it deserves. Work related travel could be slightly challenging, as you could face delays and cancellations — both out of your control. Those working in a team must not let their need to succeed get in the way of teamwork and camaraderie. Try to save regularly and make only safe investments (risk only as much as you are willing to lose and not at the cost of family security).

A busy social life should not mean you neglect family or responsibilities. Differences of opinion can flare up into arguments if you don’t keep your temper in check or speak without thinking. Work on situations with your spouse or partner instead of laying down the law and expecting to be obeyed. Singles who get into a new equation should not make a commitment too quickly. Intense attraction can easily fizzle out.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will respect other peoples’ boundaries as I expect them to respect mine. I will avoid indulging in unpleasant behaviour.

Virgo (Aug 23 – September 22)
Make time for friends
An extremely busy year for Virgos, 2016 has the potential to be a turning point. The legendary sensitive Virgo digestive system may be a little more delicate than usual, especially if you have to travel extensively. Consulting a nutritionist for advice on eating on the go might be a good idea, even if you do not want to lose weight. Those who travel regularly on work will have an even busier than usual itinerary, and you might need to say no to a few trips. Recognition for your hard work and skills is coming your way, whether you are self employed or an employee. Bonuses and e-sops will make the hard work worthwhile. Those thinking of moving to another city or country might put their plan into action. Consciously make time for a hobby as well as for friends and social commitments, especially if you are ‘too busy’ and ‘have no time’. Accept your spouse or partner as s/he is instead of expecting perfection. Singles need to get out of their comfort zone and actively socialize if they wish to meet someone new. Focus on getting to know the person instead of wanting a commitment too soon or breaking off because of a single incident or mistake.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
My thoughts and actions are perfectly aligned with my inner being. I will operate from a place of honesty and integrity.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Will meet multiple potential partners
A year for intense inner work, 2016 for Librans is the time to acknowledge changes that need to be made and work on them instead of thinking about them. Health is generally good, except if you allow stress to get the better of you. It’s also important to eat healthy and avoid extremes of overindulgence or strict dieting. Businesspersons and self employed professionals can think of expanding their business slowly but steadily. Professionals should make an effort to maintain a cordial working equation with their boss. Investments needn’t be large, but should be regular and in secure schemes. Legal issues are also highlighted, and you need to avoid getting into a legal tangle if you can, especially if you are not in a strong position.

Make time for friends who matter, and don’t neglect a friend who needs advice, even if s/he never takes it. A positive change in the way you communicate with your spouse or partner will occur naturally, and this will have a trickle-down effect on your equation with family and close friends. Family duties and celebrations will demand a chunk of your time. Singles will meet multiple partners, especially if they are searching online. Take your time and make a decision only after getting to know the person well enough.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will express myself in an appropriate manner. My communication will be clear and positive at all times.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Work related travel will increase
This is all about putting goals into action. Follow through with them and do not allow laziness to get the better of you. Pay attention to your eating habits, especially if you tend to eat your last meal too close to bedtime or snack, post dinner. Those who have staff to cook for them need to make sure that the food is cooked in minimal oil and spices.

Self employed professionals and businesspersons will need to promote their product or service a little more aggressively, especially if there are too many close competitors in the market. Work related travel within the country will increase with the opportunity to crack a few major deals if you negotiate according to the need of the potential client. Keep a watch on unnecessary expenses and do not get caught in a cycle of spending to keep up appearances (more so with people who don’t matter). Avoid getting too involved in a building or neighbourhood issue.

Your equation with your spouse or partner can improve tremendously if you communicate with awareness when you are angry. Say what you need to in a calm and logical way, instead of an emotional manner while dealing with family or in-laws. Singles could meet someone extremely interesting in a surprising manner. Make sure the interest is reciprocated before making a move.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will distance myself from negative thoughts and behaviour, and expect the best instead of the worst.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Don’t waste time over a commitment phobe
This is a year of choices. Health remains mostly good, but there could be a skin related issue that will cause some discomfort. Go to a dermatologist instead of trying home remedies. A rash could also be a reaction to a food you have suddenly developed an allergy to.

Businesspersons and self employed professionals who want to start a new business should not shut down their current one or neglect it in favour of the new one. Extra responsibilities at work need not mean more time spent at the office if you manage your time and resources intelligently. Higher education or enhancing professional skills should be on your agenda. Look at online options if you do not have the time to go for regular classes, or if the subject you are interested in is taught abroad.

Taking mini breaks with your spouse or partner will help keep your connection alive. Do not take her/him for granted just because you are in a comfortable rut. Singles should be sure about what they are looking for without getting involved with someone who is clearly not a good match or unavailable for any reason. Trying to change the mind of a commitment phobe will be frustrating and a waste of time.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I know what I want and will achieve my goals with ease. Success is mine.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Stick to budget on vacations
For Capricorns, 2016 is the year of self-created changes and yes, challenges.

Issues with your bones should be taken seriously. Check your calcium levels even if you do not have a bone/joint issue. Businesspersons and self employed professionals could move to a new office/work space if they have been considering it for a while. Change your job only if you get a really good offer and are prepared to take on extra responsibilities and possible travel. This is a positive time for property matters, both buying and selling.

Drifting away from a couple of friends need not be inevitable unless you don’t want to keep in touch with them for some reason, which may or may not be logical. In any case, you will prefer to focus on quality interactions rather than large groups. Vacations will be enjoyable but you need to stick to a budget while shopping. Treat your spouse or partner with the love and affection you want from them, and avoid sarcasm when you have arguments over trivial matters.  Singles who meet someone new might initially have a slightly difficult time convincing their family of their choice. Give them time to get to know her/him.  Those in a committed relationship will think about taking it to the next level.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will forgive myself and others. I will let go of the past and no longer let it control my thoughts and actions.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Up vegetable intake
The opportunity to be your best is the gift of 2016 for Aquarians. Those who eat a lot of meat and seafood should try and consume a few more fresh vegetables and whole grains. Try and avoid protein shakes and energy drinks even if you feel you need them because you work out regularly.

Businesspersons and self employed professionals should be able to get new clients, provided they make proactive decisions and follow through immediately. Those who travel extensively on work might find the pace a little tiresome. Negotiate a promotion or raise in salary only if you are in a strong enough position to ask for it. Budget wisely if you have family responsibilities or a huge loan to pay off, and do not make any risky investments. Time spent with extended family will be enjoyable, but you will find yourself slightly detached at the same time. Look at situations from your spouse or partner’s perspective whenever you experience a difference of opinion. A logical approach does not always work, and there are times when you need to deal with situations from the heart. Singles might need to go beyond their current social network and meet new faces. Focus on making friends and enjoying yourself instead of worrying about meeting ‘the one’.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will let go of everything that is preventing me from reaching my highest potential. I know what I am capable of and I will follow my dreams.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Stay clear of office drama

Be ready for major changes. A gradual balance and emotional stability will occur almost without effort if you allow yourself to go with the flow. Those with a spiritual or meditative practice will be able to take it to the next level and could even train others. Your health is good, but you need to drink enough water. This may prove a challenge if you need to travel within the city for work.

Businesspersons and self employed professionals will have a successful year with only few difficult patches. Stay away from office intrigue and drama but maintain a good working equation with colleagues.  Buying a car may be on the agenda, and this is a good year for both buying and selling property.

Working on your marriage or relationship will strengthen the bond with your spouse or partner. Try and take a few mini breaks together, even if it is just a weekend or two. Singles who decide to open their heart and let go of the past will meet someone who is easy to be around. This equation may have started off as a casual friendship till you realise your feelings. Make the effort to get to know the person from a space of happiness and playfulness.

Thought to keep close in 2016:
I will accept all the positivity coming my way. I will live a life of peace and joy.

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