Here are seven reasons that cause infertility in men by lowering sperm count or damaging sperm quality
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The production of sperms is definitely a complex process, and infertility is highly related to sperm count and sperm production. Treatment for infertility is the need of the hour because more and more couples are turning out to be victims of infertility. While several gynaecological disorders in women are causes of infertility, men too are reasons of the cause. So, like women, men too needs to be treated for infertility and should be taken into consideration when a couple is trying to enter parenthood.
Here are seven reasons that cause infertility in men by lowering sperm count or damaging sperm quality:
1. Smoking: Men who smoke consistently have a lower sperm count. Smoking not only decreases sperm count, but also lowers sperm motility.
2. Tight underwear: Wearing this inner garment increases temperature in the scrotal sac. A rise in temperature in the scrotal sac leads to a fall in sperm count.
3. Excessive alcohol intake: Like smoking, binge drinking is also a vital cause of reduced sperm count and increased cases of infertility. Alcohol intake lowers testosterone level significantly and hence the damage to sexual health is caused.
4. Long driving hours: Driving leads to sitting in the same position for a long time. Long driving hours or regualar driving raises temperature in the testicles, which in turn prevents good sperm production.
5. Keeping laptops on laps: Laptops cause heat damage to sperm. When a laptop is placed on the lap, the heat generated in the gadget passes from it to men’s lower body part, and causing damage to sperms.
6. Emotional stress: Chronic stress or prolonged mental illness adversely affects male fertility. Stress interferes with testosterone produced in the testes, a hormone necessary for sperm production.
7. Television watching: Sitting and watching television for extended hours is negatively linked to sperm count and quality. Prolonged sitting overheats the testicle, which in turn results in lower sperm production. Men who wish to enter parenthood should reduce hours of TV watching and indulge themselves in regular exercise.
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Like women, men should also take care of reproductive health. After all, entering parenthood is a mutual decision!