A devastated father is taking his two-year-old Thalassemia affected daughter to a graveyard everyday he has dug for her, so that she does not fear death when she faces it...
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A devastated dad from southwest China’s Neijiang city is probably doing the most painful task of his life. His heartbreaking story will not only give you goosebumps, but also leave you in tears.
According to a report in The Sun, Zhang Liyong is taking his critically ill two-year-old daughter to the grave everyday he has dug for her in Neijiang. Suffering from Thalassemia, the toddler is now learning to get acquainted with her death.
Zhang Liyong and his wife Deng Min have done their level best to treat their Thalassemia-affected daughter. The unfortunate parents, who have spent around £11,500 to treat the little one, are now out of cash. Hence, they are finding it difficult to carry on with her treatment.
The parents have borrowed cash from many, who are now not willing to provide further financial aid. The couple has planned another child and now Deng Min is pregnant for the second time. They came up with the idea of pregnancy so that they can get umbilical cord transplant to treat ailing Xinlei. Unfortunately, the couple realised that they cannot afford the umbilical cord transplant also.
So, little Xinlei has the worst option left in front of her. The unfortunate kid, who is not yet acquainted with the outside world completely, got acquainted with her burial ground, where she will rest in peace. Her burial space is her play ground, which she visits daily. The helpless and hapless parents do not want their little girl to be scared of death when she faces it.
Thalassemia is a deadly blood disorder, where patients produce little or no haemoglobin, which is used by red blood cells to transfer oxygen to the entire body. Its only treatment is regular blood transfusion.