Indian-Canadian rapper and spoken-word artiste Humble The Poet on making videos
Humble The Poet
Q. What got you to make videos and music?
A. I was inspired by others who were making videos. I appreciated the community that was being created on YouTube and wanted to be part of it. In terms of making music, everyone has their own personal story about music that positively affected them as individuals. And this was my way of taking it forward.
Humble The Poet
Q. Does making videos help people from diverse backgrounds?
A. The community of the Internet allows people to connect on a very specific level. So, when we members of minorities where we are from, make videos, it helps give a voice to people who might have felt they are all alone. It’s the most important thing; it’s about creating a voice. Once you have someone else speaking your thoughts, it empowers and motivates you to do the same for others.
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Q. Tell us about your friendship with Lilly Singh (popular YouTuber).
A. I was making a few videos through 2008-2009 and in 2010, she sent me a message saying she wanted to do the same. She asked for my advice and we met up once every six months or a year to collaborate on projects. Slowly, we became close friends. We connect because we share common goals and understand the importance of having a strong work ethic.
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