New app hopes to raise awareness on the endangered plant species found in Maharashtra
Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis at the launch of the app
If you're someone passionate about environmental causes, a new initiative to raise awareness about the endangered mangrove species will definitely light up your day. The Godrej mobile app that is being described as the one-stop encyclopedia on 22 mangrove species found in Maharashtra is finally available for you to download.
Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, historian Dr Pheroza J Godrej and Nyarika Crishna Holkar launched the app –the first of its kind in Asia. Dr N Vasudevan, chief conservator forest, mangrove cell and Principal Secretary Pravinsinh Pardeshi, were also present at the launch.
Currently, lack of information on the endangered species has been a major roadblock in effort towards its conservation. The mobile application does not only have detailed information about the mangroves species, but also photos to help people identify them. It will also highlight the need to protect mangroves.
Rajesh Sanap, wildlife researcher and environmentalist, said, "The best part about the app is that it gives details on the ecosystem and distribution of mangroves. The information regarding the leaves, flowers and names, along with their pictures, will help people understand things in a simpler way."