They can mean well, but you alone can decide what makes sense for you, and what can help you heal. Take as much time as you need
Illustration/Uday Mohite
My boyfriend still lives with his ex-girlfriend because they are roommates and have signed a lease that expires in a year. He can’t leave because he has money tied up with the place, and neither can she. This makes things awkward for me when I meet him there, and I am always worried that they may get back together because they share the same roof. He tries his best to reassure me and I know he has no feelings for her, but I can’t help myself. What can I do about this situation? Am I wrong for letting it get to me the way it does?
It’s natural to feel awkward about those visits and also okay to worry about them sharing living space. What makes more sense is trying to focus on how strong your relationship is, because this is about his past, and something he has categorically chosen to leave behind. If he wants to get back to his ex, this can happen even if they aren’t living in the same apartment. If you are both committed to making your own relationship work, this arrangement becomes a temporary inconvenience with a deadline, given that he can move out when the lease expires. You can’t help yourself from feeling a certain way, but you can try and express those feelings to your boyfriend because he may be able to talk about what matters to him. Remember that there is also an ex-girlfriend in this picture, who presumably has a mind of her own and has also decided not to be with your boyfriend for her own reasons.
I have been asked to live a little after my divorce, but I don’t know if this is who I am. My family and friends mean well, but I am not ready to date so soon after what has been a traumatic experience.
They can mean well, but you alone can decide what makes sense for you, and what can help you heal. Take as much time as you need.
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