Past presidents Shyam Shroff (2011 to 2013) and Ashok Mohanani (2013 to 2015) won the recent Khar Gymkhana elections by a sweeping majority
Past presidents Shyam Shroff (2011 to 2013) and Ashok Mohanani (2013 to 2015) won the recent Khar Gymkhana elections by a sweeping majority. The United for Change campaign helmed by Shroff along with his team of 12, saw nine of their members being elected to the managing committee.
Khar Gymkhana's new president Shyam Shroff (right) with vice-president Ashok Mohanani
Shroff and Mohanani took over as president and vice-president of the gymkhana, a popular sporting destination in suburban Mumbai. "We are united for change and this is the very change that our members will see in the coming term," said Shroff.
The office bearers: Shyam Shroff (President), Ashok Mohanani (Vice-President), Madhavi Ashar (Treasurer), Amarjit Singh Chadha (Hon General Secretary), Gaurav Kapadia (Hon General. Secretary), Rajesh Mehta, Vivek Devnani, Gautam Chande, Ajay Babla and Sanjay Bachani (all committee members).