Indian tennis player Sania Mirza just shared a picture on social media from her early days as a kid along with her sister Anam and the two of them look undeniably cute
Sania Mirza and Anam
Indian tennis player Sania Mirza just shared a picture on social media from her early days as a kid along with her sister Anam and the two of them look undeniably cute.
#Throwback to when me and Anam Mirza had actual swag ðÂÂÂu00c2u009fÂÂÂu00c2u0098ÂÂÂu00c2u008fðÂÂÂu00c2u009fÂÂÂu00c2u0098ÂÂÂu00c2u0082ðÂÂÂu00c2u009fÂÂÂu00c2u0098ÂÂÂu00c2u008e #ilookthesame #istillthinksheisthatsmall ðÂÂÂu00c2u009fÂÂÂu00c2u0098ÂÂÂu00c2u0098
— Sania Mirza (@MirzaSania) June 12, 2016
The female tennis star also went on to say that she and her sis have swag and that she looks the same.
Anam Mirza, 22, who tied the knot with Akbar Rasheed in a traditional ceremony last year, is an aspiring journalist (that's what her Twitter profile says anyways).
The 29-year-old number one women's doubles player and her sister clearly are very close and we hope the bond intensifies over time.